All cash donations are eligible for a full tax exemption. You are also invited to volunteer at some of our charity functions. Contact us today!
Most of our workforce is comprised of volunteers. If you have a few free hours that you can dedicate to others, or a skill that can be shared, we will be happy to channel it in the right direction.
Add your name to our mailing list so we can keep you updated about upcoming events, speciality drives, new initiatives and more.
As a Sertoma member, you will join a local group of service-minded men and women who are doing local volunteer work to support our community. In addition, you will become a member of a larger organization. Sertoma, Inc, a respected leader in communities across the nation to support of hearing health.
This application goes to our board of directors. We will contact you and invite you to the next club meeting. Your application will be accompanied by a $60 membership fee. You understand that you will be responsible for dues, and agree to abide by the provisions of the club bylaws and policies.
Address: 313A 4th St. Sommerdale, PA. 17093-3200
Phone: 717-512-3150